• initiates and organizes cultural projects • promotes research and learning in global, regional and local contexts • builds bridges between the sciences of culture and arts, planning and design • is an international network unregistered as non-profit organization (Handelskammer of Kt. Zürich) • is engaged and embedded into high-school and university teaching in Germany Kulturprojekte
“C3 Cendrars, Corbusier, Chevrolet. An essay on modern times made in La Chaux-de-Fonds” Contribution to “La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chandigarh, Brasilia - Utopia and Reality of Urbanism in the 20th Century”.Publikation erschienen. At the international Symposium of KOGGE, an association of writers and literature in Minden (Germany) Blaise Cendrars was presented as an explorer of Räume der Erzählung
What happens when planners walk together with writers through cities? Planner's planimetric spaces plunge into poetic imagination. The city mutates from a system of things to a living body of people and its vitality. Poetic Space
“Der nicht mehr gebrauchte Stall” – International Exhibition about the Alpine Landscape of agrîcultural heritage on the background of global transformations see Globalisation and the Alpes.
A series of national and international exposition projects serve as source of competences and knowledge:
(2007); mandate of the World Society Foundation see in German.
Exposition in Berlin, Calw, Bozen at the occasion of the 125th anniversary of birth of Hermann Hesse (2002); mandate of the city of Calw and Baden Württemberg.
Expo 02. Swiss National Exposition in Bienne (2002); mandate of the Swiss Association of Cantonal Banks.
Exposition in the monastery Mehrerau at the Lake of Bodensee (1999); mandate of the government of Land Vorarlberg.