• is an international network registered at the chamber of commerce of Canton Zurich as non-profit association
• creates initiatives for projects focused on “glocalisation” in different countries, regions and municipalities. Recent initiatives and projects Previous projects and initiatives
• informs by Newsletters: Historical Newsletter Nr Zero
• creates the world-observatory as tool for interpreting the daily events and publishing bulletins about scenarios of world society. English: World_Observatory German: Wohin geht die Weltgesellschaft?
Research Projects and Networks
Eastern European Network
World_Drives association has its roots in conferences, projects and cooperations with Eastern European partners promoted by INTAS, World Society Foundation, SCOPES and SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation).
Evaluation and support of regional and social projects of SDC
Interviewers at work.
In cooperation with our Eastern European partners the project targets to “Support to Project Approval, Implementation and Monitoring” of projects financed by the cohesion funds addressed to the New EU-members, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slowakia. The activities purpose to promote bottom-up developments in remote regions of the countries. Linked to our studies on regions and profiles of regional policies (INTAS) the differences as well as particularities of regional policies between the countries as well as to Switzerland are to include as background. Currently seven regional and social projects are focused in Eastern Slovakia. The projects compare regional policy of target countries with Swiss development of regional issues.
LOCLAB - Globalisation and Local Labour Markets
The last multilateral project of INTAS including Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland concentrated on the impacts of globalisation on local labour markets in small and middle centres of the countries.
The Chernobyl Generations after 20 years: A comparative investigation in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine
At the occasion of 20 years after Chernobyl the comparative survey described and evaluated the long termed impacts of the catastrophe on different generations (project promoted by SDC).
From transition to interaction between West and East
The network initiated projects, mainly “Good Elephants” and “looking upward”, in order to enlarge the cooperation range (including additional Western, African and Latin-American partners). The initiatives focus on the role of Transnational Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the impacts of “Global Economic Government”.
- The Eastern European network of World_Drives takes part in a project proposal HIDDEN IMPACTS: Transnational Companies and Corporate Social Responsibility challenged between Western and Eastern Europe – Case Studies.
- How to include people and societal contexts into impact-assessments of Transnational Companies in Eastern compared to Western Societies? A contribution for the tricontinental AOM-ISEOR conference in Lyon (8-10 June 09).
- Walking forward - back to future? Case Studes in five Eastern European countries show thue impacts of globalisation on communities and people.